UMC Utrecht, the Netherlands
11th April 2018
For Whom: The workshop is specifically organised for the PhD students and post docs in the NeuroCIMT program.
Registration closed.
When: 11th June 2018
Where: UMC Utrecht, Mathias van Geuns building, Descartes room 2.
Preliminary program:
11h00 – Opening of the workshop
11h05 – Guest lecture about Bold-ECoG modelling using 7T (Natalia Petridou)
12h00 – Lunch
12h30 – Guided tour to the 7T fMRI scanner
13h30 – Guided tour to the Intensive Epilepsy Monitoring Unit
14h30 – Break
15h00 – Guest lecture about ECoG grids (Erik Aarnoutse)
16h30 – Closing and drinks (Descartes)