New funded programs for Utrecht BCI group

UMC Utrecht
30th March 2021

Recent grants have been granted to the Utrecht BCI group

The Utrecht BCI group proudly announces the latest funded projects to further investigate feasibility of fully implanted Brain-Computer Interfaces to restore communication in individuals with locked-in syndrome:


In collaboration with Johns Hopkins Medical Center we provide people with locked-in syndrome with Brain-Computer Interface implants. Aims are to prove the system (with 4 amplifiers) works at the home of users without expert help. Second aim is to expand the current single click capability to multiple clicks for navigation in computer software


UEBIT is a collaboration between the UMC and the Technical University of Eindhoven, for development of an ultra-low power Brain-Computer Interface implant. The goal of UEBIT is to minimize the energy needed for amplification and transmission of signals captured with 1 mm intracranial surface electrodes in the range of 3-150 Hz. Research also addresses signal to noise in this range to inform the prototype design.


In a large Dutch ‘Crossover’ consortium, multiple neurotechnologies are investigated for human use. We coordinate one workpackage focussing on Brain-Computer Interface with Maastricht and Amsterdam Universities, aiming to develop decoding of attempted speech in people with speech disabilities due to paralysis. Our team will implant a Brain-Computer Interface device from Cortec Neuro in a person with locked-in syndrome to reinstate communication.


In Corticom, we will collaborate with Johns Hopkins Medical Center and Applied Physics Lab, and start-up Mind-X, to investigate optimal position and density of electrode grids on the hand and the face area for speech Brain-Computer Interface. We will implant two people with locked-in syndrome with high-density and high-count grids and aim for home use thereof.


  • Impact of Neurotechnology 
Together with the Faculty of Law of the University of Utrecht, we investigate the risks and benefits of neurotechnology, now and in the future, for the Ministry of Justice and Safety. A full literature search of current and promising neurotechnologies for human use is performed and consultation of experts will be used to generate a full spectrum of technologies, their potential applications and implications for society and safety.


In a collaboration with the Wyss Center we analyse brain signals from a person with locked-in syndrome who has Utah Arrays implanted for communication Brain-Computer Interface. Questions include usability of high and low frequency band power changes for Brain-Computer Interface feedback, and which attempted movements generate the most discriminable signal changes in the locations of the arrays.