We welcome students with a background in neuroscience, cognition, engineering, computer science, artificial intelligence or imaging for performing internships in our group. Internships typically last 6 months or more.
During the internship, you will work closely together with one of our PhD students and/or postdocs, and be involved in one or more aspects of performing research: planning, data acquisition, data analysis and reporting. Most internships will involve either fMRI (3T or 7T) and/or Electrocorticography (ECoG).
Topics include:
– How to optimally use the organization of the sensorimotor system for BCI purposes
– Speech and motor decoding
– Electrical-cortical or functional stimulation
– Function mapping in epilepsy patients
– Quantitative and qualitative analysis of user-related data.
– Brain development.
If you are looking for an internship or a literature thesis project within these topics or a related subject are welcome to contact us.

University Medical Center Utrecht
Heidelberglaan 100, 3584 CX Utrecht
Room G03 1.24
Contact Information
Email: InternshipsRamsey @