
UMC Utrecht Brain Center
Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery
STR room 4.115
UMC Utrecht

Contact Information


Research Interests

  • Behavioural tracking
  • Data flow
  • Database
  • fMRI
  • IT
  • Research tasks
  • Tehcnology
  • User-centered design

Erdi Erdal

Software Developer



Erdi Erdal has a BSs degree in Software engineering from the Hogeschool Rotterdam in Rotterdam. In the past he has worked in the cardiology department in the Erasmus MC to develop an application that allowed researchers to capture data during a heart operation. He was active in the PAREL and PROTONS4vision projects whilst working at the Radiotherapy department in Erasmus MC and partially at Holland PTC as a Clinical IT Specialist. He has worked with and developed various software at Holland PTC with a focus on improving clinical workflow for patients.