
UMC Utrecht Brain Center
Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery
University Medical Center Utrecht
Str 4.123
PO Box 85060, 3508 AB Utrecht
The Netherlands

Contact Information

Email: m.pedrosobranco @

Research Interests

  • Brain-Computer Interface
  • ECoG
  • Electrode localization tools
  • Finger movements
  • Neuroimaging
  • Pediatric ECoG
  • Sensorimotor integration
  • User-centered design

Mariana Branco

Assistant Professor




Mariana Branco has a BSs and the MSc degrees in Biomedical Engineering from the Instituto Superior Técnico in Lisbon, and a PhD in Brain Computer Interfaces from the Utrecht University Medical Center. Her focus is on decoding hand movements from the sensorimotor cortex and understanding how the human sensorimotor cortex controls movement using ECoG signals.

She contributes to the NeuroCIMT and Utrecht NeuroProsthesis projects by developing methods and tools to boost the development of multi-dimensional and high-resolution fully implanted BCIs. Some of these tools can be found here.

In 2022, she was awarded a VENI fellowship on the feasibility of implanted BCIs for children with severe paralysis. Her project is part of the new RIBS pediatric neuroscience lab NeuroSAFARI. She currently works as a Assistant Professor at the Neurology and Neurosurgery department.

Veni Fellowship

  1. October 2022
    PANDA - feasibility of PediAtric Neural baseD CommunicAtion
    UMC Utrecht Brain Center

Key Publications

  • 2021
    Brain-Computer interfaces for communication: preferences of individuals with locked-in syndrome, caregivers and researchers.
    Disability and Rehabilitation: Assist. Tech., 11:1-1.
  • 2020
    Brain-Computer interfaces for communication: preferences of individuals with locked-in syndrome.
    Neurorehabilitation and neural repair, 35(3):267-79.
  • 2019
    Encoding of kinetic and kinematic movement parameters in the sensorimotor cortex: A Brain‐Computer Interface perspective
    Eur. Journal of Neuroscience, 2019:1–18
  • 2018
    ALICE: A tool for automatic localization of intra-cranial electrodes for clinical and high-density grids
    J. Neuroscience Methods, 301:43-51
  • High-frequency band temporal dynamics in response to a grasp force task
    J. of Neural Engineering, 16(5):056009
  • GridLoc: An automatic and unsupervised localization method for high-density ECoG grids
    NeuroImage, 179:225-234
  • 2017
    Decoding hand gestures from primary somatosensory cortex using high-density ECoG
    NeuroImage, 147:130-142
  • 2016
    Fully Implanted Brain–Computer Interface in a Locked-In Patient with ALS
    New England Journal of Medicine, 375:2060-2066